Caines, A., & Glass, E. (2019, Fall). Education before Regulation: Empowering Students to Question Their Data Privacy. EDUCAUSE Review, 54(4). Retrieved from https://er.educause.edu/articles/2019/10/education-before-regulation-empowering-students-to-question-their-data-privacy


This document addresses the importance of personal information privacy at this time, when open data is increasingly being used and individuals are increasingly accessing multiple data using personal information. Policyfully and ethically, it is not enough to put a lot of emphasis on personal privacy. This is because many data privacy issues have caused the problem.

So What?

Of particular emphasis is the need to educate students about the protection of personal privacy. Students may sometimes be ignorant or neglected in the syllabus statements for the collection of personal information that we commonly see when accessing any data or attending an event. I’ve been too, and I haven’t seen any damage yet, but I still live with the risk of privacy violations. Personal privacy protection education should teach students the importance of personal privacy.

Now What?

This is an article about Higher Education, but I can think about it for every student. National and school-wide privacy protection education should be organized and students will be educated actively. Ethical awareness and behavior are the cornerstone of open data and education.