Weller, M. (2018, August). Twenty Years of Edtech. EDUCAUSE Review, 53(4). Retrieved from https://er.educause.edu/articles/2018/7/twenty-years-of-edtech


This article covers the history of EdTech’s 20 years from the beginning of EdTech to the present. First of all, I wasn’t familiar with EdTech, so I read this article and learned about various EdTech. I realized that EdTech, which I thought was simply an educational aid, has evolved into more diverse forms.

So What?

Among the many forms of EdTech, it was interesting to be able to formalize their knowledge and share it with others in the case of Wikis or e-portpolio, which users complete themselves. When I was a teacher, I didn’t use these EdTechs, and if I did, I only used OER or Video, and the other forms weren’t very close to me. In particular, I think blockchain or AI technology can be used as a much more useful tool for educating students. (Sometimes I thought AI technology would threaten the position of teachers, but it can be said to be useful in that it can create a suitable education system.)

Now What?

I will use more EdTech utilities in my future teaching. Teachers will have to create an educational environment, clarify the educational objects, and create an environment where not only I but also students can use these EdTechs. In addition, communication with students through social media will make education more advanced.